We travelled down to Wofville, Nova Scotia yesterday where Richard met with the registrar at the Divinity college. Here he is posing outside the place where he will complete his MDIV in the next few years.
This little gold guy was found on the Plain of Meggido as well. Another wee idol that the people would have worshipped.
A fragment of the Dead Sea Scolls. I'd love to go to the Shrine of the Book on Jerusalem! I'm told they have the entire Scroll of Isaiah on display there! I guess for the moment this is as close as I'm going to get! :o(
This is a black obelisk...a big black piece of stone...it's a replica and as you can see it has 5 or so panels of pics on the side.
This is a close-up of panel two going down from the top. The little guy prostrate before a foreign is King Jehu from the Old Testament. This is the earliest picture of a Biblical character that we have!
And this is the infamous Ba'al! It was found on the Meggido plain and is about 5-6 inches tall. For all that the Bible says about him I thought he'd be bigger!
In the city of Babylon there were 120 of these lions that lined the walls of the main drag through the town. The folks at the museum are 99.99% sure that the Biblical character of Daniel would have walked past and looked on these lions! The museum in Chicago has two of these!
King Xerxes (the Ahasuerus) from the book of Esther! Pretty boy! I wonder did he sleep in his curlers? ;o) Big set of lugs on him too!
Finally we have an ancient prism (authentic) with a story mentioning Hezekiah on it! Click on the pic and see the detail on the clay! Amazing! (2 Kings 19)
When we were at the Pastor's Conference we had an opportunity to visit the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago. It was amazing! Here are a few pics of what we saw...some REALLY old stuff!
Ancient Cunieform Writing...very sophisticated form of communication! The ancients weren't so primitive after all!
A 20 foot tall statue of King Tut, the boy king! Wonder if he's heard of the Wah-Wah Hut in Glasgow?